Wednesday, February 20, 2013


We drove through "mists of darkness" as we traveled to Utah this past weekend.  Because of an inversion caused by weather and pollution, air quality is poor in the Salt Lake City area. Before we reached Tremonton, about an hour or so away from Salt Lake, there were smoggy, foggy patches hanging around.  We stopped in Logan to visit family.  On that day, according to my sister-in-law, Logan was officially rated top in the nation for poor air quality because of this inversion.  It forces them to stay inside much of the time until it lifts.

I was feeling good about living where the air quality is better until I remembered that where I live, we get dusted with pesticides along with the crops.  Most anywhere we choose to live has a challenged environment. Our children and grandchildren are growing up on an earth which is in many places drenched with chemicals and toxins.  Our food, water, shampoo, soap, deodorant, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies most likely contain harmful substances.

Isn't it time to create for ourselves and our loved ones an environment that's less poisonous? We can't all up and move to some remote spot on the planet. What can we do?  Fortunately there is a whole world of good options.

Because of my concern for children and my interest in all things wellness, I am drawn to the non-profit organization, Healthy Child, Healthy World, which I feel is a great resource.  It advocates for a cleaner and healthier environment.  This organization suggests five easy steps to a healthy world.  Here they are, along with [commentary] from me.

1.  Avoid Pesticides
     Pesticides have been linked to a wide range of health problems.  Non-toxic solutions are safer and just as

    [In 2005, the Environmental Working Group detected 297 substances, including mercury,
     flame retardants, PFCs, Scotchguard, Teflon and rocket fuel, in the umbilical cord blood from ten
     randomly selected newborns.  All of the toxic substances were found in each of the babies tested.
     Mitochondrial dysfunction leading to symptoms observed in autism have been linked to environmental
     triggers, including aluminum, pesticides and other sources of pollution."  I'm quoting from a book by
     Lee R. Chasen.  So how do so many toxic substances get in umbilical cord blood?]

2.  Use Non-toxic Products
     Many chemicals used in cleaning products, personal care products, and furnishings have negative impact
     our health.  Fortunately there are many safer alternatives.

[Recently I learned about using Norwex products as a way to super clean your home without using chemicals.  Liza, who told me about these products, was kind enough to email me her story:

Two years ago I made one of the most important decisions I have ever made.  My husband and I were having some major concerns with my nine-year-old son.  He was exhibiting many traits of Asperger's syndrome.  Even though he was doing poorly in school, not socializing normally, and having daily meltdowns, my biggest concern was his hatred for himself and others.  He simply was mean and unhappy.  One night, after a long power struggle with my son, I pled with God for help.  This was a different kind of prayer.  Not one of self pity for my hard life but one of deep concern for my child's well being.  I simply said, "How do I help him be happy?"  The answer came clearly to my mind "Change his diet."  

After much research and continued guidance from heaven, I knew what I needed to do.  Throw all my food and chemical cleaners away!  I learned about the harmful effects artificial chemicals, preservatives, food dyes, and chemical cleaners have on our body systems.  I could no longer contaminate my home with cleaning chemicals or feed my family poison and watch their body chemistry react in dysfunctional ways.  I was determined to help my child.  I took one full day and literally emptied my pantry, cupboards, fridge and freezer of anything not on my list of "safe" foods.  I took all my harsh chemical cleaners to the trash.  With empty shelves that needed filling I set to work in buying only food that was ALL natural, organic and free of anything artificial.  I knew we needed to do this as a whole family in order to accomplish my desired results and follow the divine guidance I had received.  I switched all my cleaning supplies over to Norwex products which allows me to disinfect my home simply using water and antibacterial microfiber cloths.  

Many children go through a detox period for the first few weeks so I knew I would not see results immediately.  I gave myself one month to experiment with this new way of cleaning and feeding my family.  After only three weeks, we saw major improvements in not only my son but the rest of us as well. I no longer struggle with PMS, my husband's depression has improved, my daughter can hold her body still at dinner time, and we have, overall, more harmony in the home.  I am pleased to say my son (now 11 yrs.) is succeeding in school, thriving socially, rarely has meltdowns, and is happier than he has ever been!  See Liza's websites in the side bar.]  

3.  Clean Up Indoor Air
  People in the U.S. spend about 90% of their time indoors where the air is typically more polluted than
     outdoor air.[--some of Utah being an exception right now.]  Luckily it is typically very easy to improve
     indoor air quality.

[Dust, pet dander, pollen and odors are typically in household air.  Mold, mildew, and dust mites may be present.  See the Nikken website in the sidebar for some high quality solutions for a more healthy home environment.]

4.  Eat Healthy
     Today's modern diet is grown, processed and packaged using toxic materials.  Pesticides, bacteria,
      industrial chemicals, and food additives all find their way into children's foods, often at levels that can be
      harmful for them.  Shifting to healthier foods is easy, and can even save you money!

     [I have heard from several sources that there is more incidence of gluten intolerance and celiac  
     disease because wheat has been genetically modified in a major way.  If you, like me, are impacted  in      
      this way you will love my sister's cookbook.  See the sidebar for her blogspot.]

5.  Be Wise With Plastics
     Many common plastics release harmful chemicals into what we eat, drink and breathe.

    [ Did you know that heating up food covered with plastic wrap or that is in plastic containers in the     microwave can be toxic and that leaving bottled water in a hot car has a similar effect?  Freezing water in plastic bottles releases a toxin.  That surprised me!]
Last, but most importantly, the most helpful website I can give you is  Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)  live a health code that is 180 years old this February.  We are promised that if we live this code, we will find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures.  We will be able to run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.  That is wellness!

Soon I will do a post titled "Who Switched Off My Brain."

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